Eye of the TigerYes! Finally a legitimate win over Chantelle – and this during Idols season nogal! ;)

On Sunday in order to get away from yet more weekend work that I’d been saddled with, I treated Chantelle to a nice supper at Spur (she felt like their ribs again), after which I challenged her to a quick SingStar showdown, a task made even more difficult thanks to the fact that the old PS2 was still safely tucked away in its box following my last FIFA trip through to Karl’s place, something that feels absolute ages ago now!

Anyway, eventually I got the thing unpacked, handed out the mics and off we blasted, starting the affair off with Cranberries’ Zombie, a favourite for us both. As the final note died down, Chantelle shrieked in victory, until that smirk of joy slowly changed into a look of horror as she realised that I had given her the wrong mic, meaning that technically, mine was now the name at the top of the high score list!

However, despite my best attempts to assure her that the tactic had been completely onboard, she wasn’t so convinced and as such I chose up the next song, the classic Survivor track, ‘Eye of the Tiger’.

And yes, this tone deaf man of hers did soundly beat the pants off her – and not in the good way mind you! ;)

Of course there was much celebrations and fist pumping to be had, which is why on that note I will now finish up this post and make no further mention about the following twenty songs in which she soundly clobbered me.

Rocky for the win! :D