squash racquet with ballAargh! I was so annoyed with myself this morning. Ryan asked me to join him for squash at 7:00 which I readily agreed to. I’m always up for the challenge. Last night I was wide awake I had karate practice, followed straight by Spider-man 3, then some Fifa soccer against Terrance at my place. After he left at 24:00 I nipped out for a quick drink down Edward Street. I got home, checked my email and eventually got to bed between 01:00 and 02:00. I set my alarm for 06:00 and 06:10 respectively.

06:00 arrives and I wake up, no problem with the first alarm. I lie in bed, waiting for the second alarm. That arrives, I turn it off and then just lie back a little in my bed before I jump out to get the day started. When next I open my eyes its 07:00 exactly on the clock. Crap!

I rush out of bed, call Ryan to tell him I’m running late, gouge my eyes out trying to get the contact lenses in not a good idea to try when you are rushed I might add and make it down to my car as quickly as I can. Stupid robots are always red when youre in a hurry, meaning I only pitched up at the courts at 07:20 :( – very annoyed with myself.

Luckily the squash went a little better. After Ryan had me on the ropes for the first three quarters of the first game, I managed to claw my way back and pip him at the end. The rest of the games went my way as well in the end (for the record, 5-0 to me today).

But still, I hate being late by accident!