Sunday morning saw me switching the PlayStation on for the first time the weekend. Having now completed Okami, I pretty much need to decide which of my titles I next want to play. Thanks to a rash of game buying the last couple of months this year, I’ve managed to amass a fair list of titles I still need to play.

The list currently looks like this: Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, .Hack//Outbreak: Part 3, .Hack//Outbreak: Part 4, Ghosthunter, Final Fantasy X-2, Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Shadow of Colossus , and Evil Dead: Regeneration.

Prince of Persia Two Thrones PS2Having just finished the RPG-like Okami and being a little stuck in the Lord of the Rings games, I decided that Prince of Persia: Two Thrones would be my next conquest. Now I’ve played the first two games in the series, namely Sands of Time and Warrior Within (thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed both of them – if you haven’t played them yet, you must pick them up immediately!), so I know exactly what I’m going to be getting from The Two Thrones. And boy was I ever right :)

Back in the fanboy driving seat with the Prince, doing all the very familiar jumps, rolls and slashes, my entire Sunday morning disappeared before I could even blink my eyes! Luckily I knew Chantelle was hard at work back at the guesthouse, so she shouldn’t be missing me too much!

The afternoon saw Chantelle and I lying low as the guesthouse was overrun by the owners, their guests and their dogs. There were five dogs in the house in total, three of which were the most gorgeous puppies you have ever seen. The dog that bit Chantelle on Saturday evening was also present, but he was giving me a fairly wide berth after the smack I gave him after the incident.

Things picked up once Chantelle’s friend Retha pitched up for a visit though and we spent an enjoyable afternoon chatting and snacking :)

The evening sneaked up on us rather quickly, leaving us just enough time to make supper for the guests booking in and then jump into bed to catch the 8 oclock movie Derailed on MNET. I’ve heard good things about Derailed, but to be honest, the fact that both parties were committing adultery when the plot became a little hairy made me lose all connection with the movie protagonists and I quickly lost interest and stopped watching. (Wikipedia’d the movie this morning for the ending – seems like it had a nice twist after all, very Wild Things like I guess).

Anyway, so after all these write ups I’ve now posted, it is pretty safe to say it seems like we once again had a nice, enjoyable and busy weekend :)