I basically live at the guesthouse nowadays, so I might as well help out here and there, so if I’m not helping Chantelle with the inventory updates or waiting to help guests check in then I’m driving around to pick them up from place to place. Last night saw Chantelle and I being highly productive in that we split up to get her guests back to the guesthouse (from the airport and Tygervalley respectively) in order for us to make the late supper date set up by her parents to celebrate her brother Robs birthday that happened a little while ago. Seeing that this was the first time in ages that everyone could make it for a change, we had to be sure that we werent going to be the ones to miss it.

Spur RestaurantOf course Murphys Law was working full tilt against us, but with some creative manoeuvring we got the Kombi out without damaging the badly parked bakkie much (Good thing Chantelle was driving it I shudder to think what might have happened had I tried to move that hunk of metal around). Once we safely returned our respective guests to the house, we shot off to the Silver Spur. It turns out that apart from the obvious similarities between our parents (like the fact that my mom shares the same first name as her mom), they even adore the same restaurant. Silver Spur has been both our moms favourite for years, to such an extent that it is the only Spur they ever talk highly of. Not that I disagree of course: for a Spur restaurant, I do find Silver Spurs offerings just a little better than the other branches in the franchise :)

But I’m not lying when I say it is great hanging out with Chantelles family. Her parents come across as very alike to mine, making it easy to relate and even easier to get along with them. Humorous and full of fun, it makes for a nice refreshing change of pace to the problems I encountered with my exs parents. It is so nice to be treated like a person again, and not like some child (which eventually got so irritating to me that it drove a deep wedge into my old relationship). Well, no sign of that here, so things are looking rather rosy this time around – which really just makes everything even more enjoyable.

Lets face it. Its not often that a person can say they like their girlfriend and her parents and really mean it ;)