Friday was a full day of work for a change for me, and for a change I actually notched it up a gear or two. So thanks to the fact that the varsity students were returning the next Monday following their long June holiday period, I actually had to pull up my socks and finish all the work that was threatening to drown my desk under paperwork.

Black 8 BallFriday evening was a blast though, as we had a kind of mini reunion with my old school posse from high school days. Dean organised and saw George, Evan, Dean and I hook up for drinks and a couple games of pool at the old Ellingtons hangout. Ryan also joined us for the evening, but Merkaba and Douglas were a little conspicuous by their absence – Merkaba using a cold as an excuse to get out of it. That said, Chantelle decided that the warmth of the house was much more appealing than listening to us talking crap in the cold, so she too opted to stay home.

I haven’t seen Evan and George for at least seven years, so it was pretty good to catch up on all the news and talk about the old days like we always used to. Funnily enough, even after such a long period of time, no one seems to have changed much everyone is pretty much the same as back then, except with a few more brushes with the law to brag with. Co-incidently I also learned that George stays literally a floor above Karl – a small world indeed!

Simpsons MovieSaturday saw Chantelle and I laze about in bed for most of the day thanks to the damn cold air outside it was absolutely freezing! The afternoon saw us head out to the shops to look for a new microwave for me as well as do a spot of clothing shopping and gather the ingredients needed for Sunday afternoons chicken pie. Late night saw us joining Retha at Canal Walk to catch the Simpsons movie. Now I’m not a huge Simpsons fan, but I even I must say it was rather enjoyable! (Was also pleasantly surprised to see that Nu Metro are readjusting their prices now that the Edgars Clubcard movie deal is expiring this September R25 per ticket for a decent cinema like Canal Walk seems a fair price to me)

Red WineSunday saw us heading out to a big lunch with some of Chantelles friends at Zevenwacht wine estate. The food was absolutely delicious (Chantelle was charged with bringing Chicken Pie along and someone else provided the most delicious Oxtail I’ve had in ages) and I had way too much to eat and probably a little too much to drink as well :) This was also the first time that I met Chantelles other friends (not including Retha) and I was pleasantly surprised that it came off pretty good, so thats a nice sign for the future.

The evening was completed with McFlurries and the Break Up on MNET, a perfectly relaxed end to a perfectly relaxed weekend.