I walked the walk instead of just talking the talk last night, and did indeed purchase NBA Live 06 for the paltry amount of R150 from Musica, Tygervalley. Like I’ve been telling Ryan, I’m getting a little bored of a single player games for the moment and am looking at expanding my sports titles a little.
I’ve played NBA with Ryan a couple of times before and quite enjoyed the game, even if I’m not necessarily that good at it – a point proven by the fact that I lost every game I played against the CPU last night – some matches by as much as 20 points! But no worries, I’ll get the hang of it soon enough – as long as my PS2 controller lasts long enough :)
Chantelle surprised me by coming through for an overnight visit yesterday evening. She’s absolutely beaming and it seems like her new job is the best thing since buttered toast and Lindt chocolates. I’m really happy for her – it’s a great step forward.
The actual reason for this post however has nothing to do with the previous three paragraphs. It does in fact have to do with the fact that I introduced Chantelle to Tekken last night – and she loved it.
So much so that I lost 6-3 to her in the match-ups. Beginners luck? Perhaps, but I think I better start playing it safe and introduce her to extremely difficult control scheme games – anyone have Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness lying around for me :)
I’m cringing for our next match up already. She wants to play Burnout and I absolutely suck at racing games – just ask Ryan, Karl and Merkaba