Wow, a quiet weekend for me for a change, quite the difference from the last couple of weekends. Friday was MY day, seeing as Chantelle was on duty this weekend. I had a short half-day at work, before heading off home to spend the rest of the day wallowing in my hobbies, namely playing copious amounts of games, watching anime, reading manga and evening dabbling in a little bit of programming. Burnout 3 is proving to be quite addictive and I’ve got over a 70% game completion rating (something impressive for me as this is a hated racing genre game), leading to me already placing my order for the cheap Burnout 4: Revenge from Take 2.
Saturday morning saw me faffing around the flat again, doing some shopping, washing, etc. (and playing a lot of Burnout again). Seeing as the guesthouse was really, really quiet and the owners were off the premises for the weekend, Chantelle invited me over to come and braai with her in Gordons Bay. So Saturday afternoon saw me pack the charcoal in the boot, grab a huge chocolate and bag of jellybeans and hit the N2 to the Strand.
I arrived at Gordons Bay without incident, but feeling as sick as a dog thanks to the humungous amount of chocolate and jellybeans that I had ingested. Luckily as I was in charge of the braai, I had time to work it off before eating again (not that it seemed like I was in charge of the braai mind you I’ve never touched a Weber braai before! Guess you learn something new everyday :D).
I managed to get a decent meal out of the braai for a change (avoiding the charcoal mess I extracted the last time I braaied) and then spent the rest of the day lazing about with Chantelle around a rather dead guesthouse. I can now safely confirm that I am the better arm wrestler out of the two, but I guess that isnt really something to be proud of.
I also played around with the owners fancy massage chair. It works really well, perhaps too well as Chantelle can attest to she seems to spend a lot of time in it! I on the other hand have extremely sensitive calf muscles which for the last while have been a little tighter than usual, meaning that when the chair started its leg massage routine, it left me in tears and had me diving out of the chair, tucking and rolling and generally managing to avoid causing too much chaos by smashing things into teeny little bits. The neck massage was nice though I’m still sure that a bed would be far nicer than a chair though!
Originally the plan had been to go through with one of Chantelles friends for the braai, but seeing as that had fallen through and I had come along on my own, I ended up spending the night in Gordons Bay again. Slowly but surely Ill get used to that damn couch! (Actually I slept pretty well maybe because the cat wasnt using my legs as a pillow for a change, because damn, doesnt matter what you do next to it, that cat wont move a muscle!)
Sunday morning saw me wake up very grumpy with an upset stomach thanks to all the cake and food from the previous day and just generally in a fidgety mood the fact that there was an break in the electricity feed to the Strand and Gordons Bay didnt help either. I joined Chantelle at the guesthouse (she was already long at work before I showed up) and enjoyed a leisurely proper English breakfast, thoroughly tasty but not helping my stomach very much. Eventually my fidgety ways got the better of me and I decided to go back to Bellville and leave Chantelle to her work.
Back home I immediately hit the sack (after finishing a chapter of Cowboy Bebop Ill confess) only to be roused later in the afternoon by a phone call from Chantelle. Shame, my girl has been having a horrible run of luck. This time, someone had decided to sneak into the guesthouse office while she was upstairs and made off with her handbag. All her money, her identity documents, her cards, her flat keys, my flat key, her car keys, all of it gone! :(
Thank goodness she was at least carrying her phone on her, so that was spared the horrible fate. Luckily her mom had a spare set of keys to her car, so I drove over there and then went to deliver it in Gordons Bay. I hung around a bit, and when we could eventually close shop for the night, we headed off to Stellenbosch to pick up the other set of flat keys from Andrea.
*sigh* What a crappy way to end the weekend off :(
I purposefully left out the fact that Chantelle discovered a mass of white hairs lurking on my head on Sunday as well. I told her rubbish, it is just the way the light is hitting it to make it seem white, but she proceeded to prove me wrong by painfully yanking a couple of them out and showing them to me. My goodness, they are indeed albino hairs. As white as a Japanese school girls panties if youre into that sort of thing. Even Snow White has more colour than those hairs. :(
Heres to hoping that I at least look more handsome when I go grey