Coffee CupThis weekend saw a real sting to the tail of winter, making it the perfect cold, overcast and rainy weather for a nice relaxed weekend at home. The Rugby World Cup quarterfinals was a nice incentive too! :)

Friday was a full day at work for me again, which suited me perfectly as I’ve got quite a bit of enjoyable work to get through at the moment. I absolutely love it when I get work that I want to do (a fairly rare occurrence nowadays), and I really end up throwing my all at it – which means the days fly by way to quickly and the usually enjoyable half-day would really cramp my style.

Seeing as it was Chantelles weekend off, we were based in Bellville for this weekend, and we kicked it off by joining her mom, dad and brother for supper at the Spur in celebration of Montys (her dad) birthday and their 30th Wedding Anniversary that had happened during the week. We ended up spending quite a chunk of the evening there and had a thoroughly enjoyable night out (especially because I finally got a Cordon Bleu that I had been hungering for since Chantelles and my last trip to Cattle Baron! {See post 0312 for more info} ). The night ended off on a quieter note though as we were both fairly knackered for some or other reason, and so after watching a bit of Blade II on the telly, we hit the sack pretty early (for a Friday night) for a good nights rest.

Saturday morning saw us up pretty early in the morning unfortunately well I had to get up first because I needed to stroll to Spar to secure breakfast for my liefie who wanted some sarmies for a change instead of the usual cornflakes and coco/strawberry pops mix (which really is about the only edible thing that I usually have in the flat). Following Iradneys advice regarding replacing the stolen cellphone charger, we managed to secure one at Samsungs customer service centre in Montague Gardens and it needed to be picked up in the morning before the place closes at 12:00. Turned out it wasnt as difficult to locate as we first thought and we actually managed to find the place without too many hassles (must have been because I WASNT driving!) and secure the charger. So thanks for the advice Iradney!

I got the afternoon off as Chantelle went to spend the day with Retha at Canal Walk, leaving me to sit down and put in plenty of gaming time, Yakuza being my game of choice at the moment. I’ve already put in more than 10 hours of gameplay, and thats for a game I only started on Wednesday so you know that I am absolutely loving it!

I entertained a rather unexpected guest late Saturday afternoon when Ryan popped in at my place for the rugby clash between England and Australia. Turns out that the power at Pops place is a bit intermittent thanks to the kitchen rebuild that is currently in progress, meaning that watching the rugby at his place wasnt so certain. No problem, we stocked up on chips and Fanta and got down to watching an entertaining (read shocking) game between England and Australia which saw a much unexpected England upset victory over the Aussies!

Chantelle eventually returned from her fruitful afternoon out, and I was the lucky bugger to be on the receiving end of an awesome black shirt that she had decided to surprise me with! Good thing I have a good style consultant now, because the shirt was the perfect addition to my wardrobe for our evening affair dinner and drinks with Retha in celebration of her birthday at Cubana in Green Point.

We were to meet Retha and her friends there around 19:30 in the evening, but thanks to some complications we only managed to get out of the flat closer to 20:30 and it didnt help that we got completely lost in Sea Point, driving around the whole area for quite some time before we luckily stumbled upon Cubana quite by accident. Perhaps next time we shouldnt rely quite so much on our memories it would seem! :)

The atmosphere at Cubana was awesome as always. A great latin vibe, scrumptious food and a lot of silly people to look and interact with made for a fun evening, even if the weather outside wasnt quite playing along. The atmosphere was heightened further by the broadcast of the France/New Zealand clash around the venue. I must have been the only one there cheering for New Zealand because the crowd was going absolutely wild every time the Frenchies laid hands on the ball. And yes, another shock upset in the RWC, France did in fact get the better of the All Blacks, knocking yet another Southern hemisphere team out of the tournament :(

Sunday morning saw winter give us a final kick in the nuts by producing some of the coldest weather I’ve experienced this year My feet and hands were blue from the cold! And Chantelle hogging the bedroom by sleeping in until well past 12:00 in the afternoon didnt help as I (by my own decision) banished myself to the lounge to spend the morning playing Yakuza again. I’m so considerate, I know ;D

Chantelle eventually stirred and I hurried her about as I grabbed us some Steers for lunch and we headed out to my pops place to catch the crunch South Africa versus Fiji game. Three bags of chips in tow, we settled in to watch an entertaining game of rugby with South Africa causing us no end of stress with some really silly play. Thank goodness the boys pulled through in the end and as far as I am concerned, now stand a VERY good chance of taking this years trophy.

Having finished all of moms chicken pies and sout tertjies, Chantelle and I then took our leave and headed off to polish off any food at her moms place. No food there, but I was tortured into watching the last hour or so of Idols again.

Fed up due to the lack of food, we left and raced off to Canal Walk to catch the movie for the weekend. The website had lied to me, saying that Shoot Em Up wasnt showing, so Knocked Up was the choice for the evening. Chantelle said she had heard good things about it, so I went along with it as my choice, but honestly, I kind of wanted something with more bullets in it :(

At least Chantelle soothed my disappointment by treating me to delicious carrot cake and coffee at the House of Coffees after the movie.

Yakuza Front Cubana Bar Chabal Knocked Up Grab

*whew* Okay, thats enough of that now thank you very much. My fingers are tired of all this typing Move along, nothing more to see here.