pigeon on antoon benning balconyRight. It is the first day of my vacation, so what the hell am I doing awake at 06:14 in the morning you might be wondering. Well, it is a short story, so I’ll tell you. Like I said earlier during the week, I managed to inadvertently send the one pigeon teenager over the edge, with the result that it never came back and may very well be on its way to Madagascar or is in fact in some fat cat’s stomach lining by now.

Yesterday in a fit of rage thanks to a balcony full of guano, right up to the chairs, I chased the other teenager over the edge and it and its overprotective mother soared off, only to land safely on another ledge of a different flat owner.

Happy in the knowledge that my pigeon problems are now over at last, I didn’t count on the overprotective mother’s revenge. Despite the fact that there are now no chicks on my balcony, I was rudely woken at the crack of dawn by some of the loudest cooing you have ever heard! And the damn bird refused to stop, no matter how many pillows I tossed at the window!

The result: 1-0 to the pigeon. But it is in for a nasty surprise when it finds me breaking up their nesting spot this morning, let me tell you!

Oh, and my plan of getting lots of sleep before the onset of this weekend has failed slightly anyhow, even without the pigeons’ help. My plan for an early night last night was dashed when Chantelle and I went over to her folk’s place for a braai instead of what I had planned. The food wasn’t bad and the company was good, but I could have done with the sleep rather – in fact, I even managed to mess both my red wine (all over myself) AND my coffee (all over their couch) in the same night!

Okay, so now that you’ve read this post, you may be wondering why I haven’t gone back to bed yet.

Again, it is a pretty simple story. This time of day and the sun is bloody well shining like it is midday already damnit!