Hard DriveNut bunnies. My home machine has been giving a few hassles as of late, being particularly sluggish and non-responsive, and not sure the cause of the problem, I decided to hit it with a rock by formatting the damn thing completely and installing windows afresh.

I should have realised that the problem lies in the hardware because the Windows XP installation took far longer than expected, but nevertheless, I completed the install and got the machine up and running. However, after installing the various drivers and using the machine for a little while, I got two complete disk fails as well as a couple of blue screens of death, pointing most likely to a faulty hard drive or at least a hard drive that is well on its way out.

*sigh*, if only things were still built to last forever like they were used to.

So, the perfect excuse to go out and spend some more money then – and besides, I could do with the exercise gained from reached down to whip my wallet out anyway. :)

Anyone know of a place offering good prices for IDE drives? Size isn’t really an issue – or at least that’s what the girls all say.