FanOn Sunday I set out on my big mission for the weekend, the purchase of our very first fan for the flat – because by now the overbearing heat had become just that little bit too much for Chantelle to bear! (It would seem that walking around naked just isn’t an option for her. Pity.)

So after a nice refreshing jog at gym, it was a quick ‘shower minute’ and then off to the mall where I was certain that snapping up a bog standard fan should be as easy as eating cake – which is of course as everyone knows pretty easy. Of course, this then explains my startled expression on hearing from one of Game’s employees that they were completely sold out already, and even if I lifted my one eyebrow continuously for the next four hours, they still wouldn’t be getting in new stock just to make me leave.


So next up was a quick trip to the side mall, more specifically Hi-Fi Corp where I learnt that while they do seem to stock a lot of TVs and radios, fans just don’t seem to be on their menu. Benbel was next in the firing line and for a change, they did actually have a couple of fans on display – but when you are looking for a quick-fix el cheapo, paying R625 for one fan just is palatable and so I departed for the big Pick ‘n Pay back in the mall in the hopes that they had something a little more suitable.

And they did. If you are looking for a wall-mountable fan.

At the end of my tether, hot and bothered and only with a tub of newly purchased Choc Mint ice-cream
beside me for comfort, I phoned up Chantelle, delivered the bad news and slowly pushed into first to make my long winding trip back home.

However, a single spark of a brainwave jolted me back to my senses and instead of turning left to go to GB, I turned right, and headed off to the one place left open to me that surely, surely MUST be able to serve my needs… Tafelberg Furnishers!

Happily enough, they were still open by the time I reached them and much to my eternal gratitude, there in the corner was exactly what I was looking for: a white, 40cm pedestal fan (from ‘Plugz’) going for a ridiculous R199.


And so my betrothal was saved, Chantelle was happy and the three kittens loved me even more for being such the manly provider that I am!

Oh, and the fan proved to be simple enough even for me to assemble first time around! ;)