Foot MassageOuchies. My footsies are just so frikkin’ sore at the moment! Either I’m simply not built for the spinning bikes or the Orbitreks in the gym, or I seriously DO need to replace my hole-infested, couple of years old, ‘cross-trainer’ shoes. (I’m kinda thinking that it might be a little bit of both though!)

No Karate tonight, got Louise’s 60th birthday bash to look forward to (for which C has been literally working her arse off the last couple of days!) but I do have Katabox to look forward to tomorrow evening. Hopefully this time the actual Katabox trainer will be available for class, and not that evil torturer lady that specializes in body toning and evil things like that – I was stiff for like three days after last week’s session – and it wasn’t the good kind of stiff if you know what I mean!

And then of course it’s time for the weekend baby! Looking so forward to it (though not all the predicted rain that comes with it). C and I are joining up with Mom, Pops, Riley, Claire and Ryan for a weekend away at Dad’s newly purchased fractional ownership place up at Pinnacle Point golf estate, Mossel Bay, and it should be absolutely awesome! :)

Now just to remember to pack in the Balderdash…