Man, people are dropping down like flies all around me – seems there are quite a few bugs making their rounds, leaving most of the Cape Town populace shaking, sneezing and staying home under the bed covers. Karateka proved not to be immune either, with only six of us pitching up for training last night! (Though to be fair, there was also a school meeting scheduled for the evening, and quite a large chunk of us oldies there are parents already).

Anyway, had a great session as always, finally overcame a mental block surrounding my knee which saw me for the first time in months actually do my stances the way they are meant to (and the way I know have to) be done. It felt good to stretch those places that haven’t been stretched in such a long time…

Meanwhile, back on the home front our fish tank is now bagged and tagged, finally we have our whole kitchen counter available to us once more, and Ploccie is sitting safe and sound in the pet store’s little glass bowl on the counter.

Just thought I’d mention because I haven’t mentioned it yet, but the last couple of weeks have been extremely awesome in terms of dinner (apart from Tuesday night because I insisted we hit Panarottis for their buy large pay medium special) because Chantelle has been on the warpath when it comes to eating healthy at home. This of course translates to me arriving home every night to a delicious, freshly prepared dish that contains a whole lot of green stuff and some other bits and bobs, all of which is pretty awesome because it means at last my woman is cooking proper meals for me! Talk about being a spoilt man! :)

(Had to laugh though – Chantelle gave in to quite a giant craving yesterday while shopping at the local Fruit and Veg: apparently the chocolate-covered peanuts, raisins and shortcake dispensers simply refused to not work, meaning she arrived home bearing three bags laden with choccie treats. Needless to say they tasted divine with the champagne and ice-cream I was knocking back last night!)

Oh, but she is definitely smoking again which isn’t that cool. I keep remarking on it every time she lights up at home just to annoy her, which it most certainly does because she keeps telling me to stop, so we’ll see how long she can take the pressure from my side – but for now it’s a pretty fun game for me to play each and every night, so at least I do get some entertainment value out of it! :)

Which then brings me on to the fabulous job Chantelle has done around the house with regards to our pot plants, all of which have been re-potted and are looking absolutely brilliant. It would seem that the desire to get out of the prison that is her guesthouse (she still hasn’t had a day off in a whole month!) is driving her to do all sorts of household chores – now how awesome is that!? (Maybe I should convince Whammy and Louise to stay away a little longer? Just kidding love! Please don’t kick me in the groin or bite my ass… again O.O)

Hmm, now what else can I ramble on?

Cats are all doing well, Olympus is sharing our be each and every night, Achilles still prefers to sleep on the floor to protect whatever territory he has claimed for the night and slowly but surely Coco is definitely coming around to us, choosing to spend almost all the evenings with us in the house. Oh, and we even got him to purr and suckle on himself the other day for a change as well!

Okay, that should do for now. Let me think, anything else I need to fill you people in on. Hmm…

No. No. Nope. Uh uh. No. Nope.

Okay, nothing jumps to mind right at the moment, but if I think of something, be sure that you’ll be the first to know!

Cheerio for now…