Admittedly, I’m not yet completely bowled over by Gwibber, an open source micro-blogging client for GNOME developed with Python and GTK. It supports Twitter, Jaiku,, Facebook, Flickr, Digg, and RSS, though I must say that I’m struggling to get Facebook to play completely nicely with it. Twitter on the other hand is working beautifully and because it ties into Jaunty Jackalope’s new notification ‘growl’ system, it does integrate itself rather nicely into this latest Ubuntu release.
In my opinion, not as user-friendly as Digsby, my Windows micro-blogging client of choice, but seeing as it is under quite heavy, active development I’m quite looking forward to where it might be going in the future.
For information:
View its launchpad entry here:, or check out the FAQ here:
To install directly into your Jaunty installation:
Click here to install the gwibber package