AmatomuThe South African blogosphere has long bemoaned Amatomu’s lack of any extended development to build on their exciting alpha release which got the whole idea of South African blog aggregation all fired up all that time ago, and like most bloggers out there, I’ve long since moved away from the quite frankly, unstable and unappealing Amatomu service.

But now they’re back it would seem.

Apparently they’ve rebuilt the site back-end from scratch using a MVC approach on the CodeIgniter PHP framework, twiddled with the way the site is deployed and optimised a whole heap of SQL queries.

The end result? Well I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

My only bit of advice to them would have been to at least give the site a bit of a visual overhaul as well, just so that users can easily discern the fact that something has now changed – and for the better. Oh well, guess there is always a next time for that…

(Oh, just for the record, I’m still not going back! Unless they’re offering free chocolate or pancakes…)

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