If you’re talking about a useful little app that’s simple to use, gets the job done extremely efficiently and then even has the balls to throw in some fun little things like camera noises and even a flashlight effect to boot, then you really must be talking about Greenshot, an absolutely brilliant little piece of screen capture software (written in C# just in case you were wondering).

Open source of course, Greenshot is an optimized, small footprint app that sits in your taskbar and patiently waits for you to give it a call, allowing you to take screenshots of windows, regions or even just a full monitor snapshot if that’s what you are looking for. You can save the capture in a variety of image formats, as well as set the file destination to things like your clipboard, your default image editor, etc.

It’s fast, efficient and not particularly bloated, making it a definite must-have if you’re prone to taking lots of screenshots intended for all that damn documentation you’re supposed to be writing! I like it! :)

Greenshot Screenshot

(Thanks Mr. Sven for the heads up)

Related link: http://greenshot.sourceforge.net/