I like signing up to all the wondrous sites and sounds of the Internet using a particular username or vanity name if you must (namely craiglotter in case you were wondering. Admittedly not highly original, but thankfully not particularly common, meaning that I usually get it in other words), and this week I stumbled across a damn useful little site called Namechk. Namechk simply lists a plethora of Social Networking and Social Bookmarking websites on its front page, and then runs a check across them all to see whether or not your entered/desired username is still available on that site.

The site is clean in design, makes great use of ajax to run its queries and then throws a whole lot of jquery-type animations to make things look a little more interesting. Great design, cool function, in other words, a great little web find…

Namechk Screenshot

Related link: http://namechk.com/