Crappit. Managed to fit in a nice katabox class last night which had me jumping and sweating for a good hour, but it would have been nicer if I hadn’t stopped to stretch my aching thighs halfway through the routine, only to hear the loud tearing of material as the leg seam of my training shorts split neatly in two. Needless to say, I’m quite glad that I train with Chantelle-sized black lycra shorts underneath because otherwise the ladies behind me would have gotten quite an eyeful! As it was, there was a snigger or two from behind, but thankfully the pumping music quickly drowned it out! :P
The reason that I was still lurking around Tokai after work was however not katabox but rather an invite to the early celebration of Retha’s upcoming birthday (and the celebration of Monty and Cheryl’s 32nd wedding anniversary), to be held at Retha and Miguel’s flat in Observatory. Of course, being the naturally gifted navigator that I am, I easily managed to get lost on the way (and nearly crushed by a huge container truck driving down Main Road of all places!), but thankfully the already descended darkness provided me with the perfect scapegoat to blame.
By the time I did finally arrive, the entire Montgomery clan was already present and accounted for, and the fire blazed happily away outside, though it did need the intervention of Rob and Monty who quickly broke Miguel’s one log at a time strategy when it became apparent that at his pace we’d only be ready to braai at midnight! :P
Retha’s brother and his wife also pitched up to join us and what followed what a brilliantly relaxed and sociable evening of drinking, talking about fishing, turning over meat and eating out an icing bowl (though that part was reserved exclusively for me of course!).
The food was good, the drink was great, the celebration was a success but the drive home was crappy. And now I’m tired at work. With ripped training shorts to deal with.