So apart from the not so great Friday evening Spur incident of which I spoke earlier, the past weekend treated me pretty kindly after all. Seeing as Chantelle was working this weekend, I got to spend plenty of quality time at the flat, meaning I busied myself with tidying up the place a bit, gluing down the ever annoying telephone cable that runs across the kitchen floor, watching anime and planning tons and tons of Yakuza 2, so much so that I’m not exactly sure where half my weekend went! :)
Saturday evening was however stolen away from me thanks to the invite from Michelle to come over to her and Damen’s pad in order to celebrate her birthday in the company of friends, something that turned out quite the blast as per usual (always fun to hang with Wayne, Candice, Dean, Zania and company) as we enjoyed a great braai together which was made all the sweeter thanks to Wammy and Louise letting Chantelle off early, meaning that she too could make the drive through and come and kuier with us!
Oh yes, and I had kicked off Saturday morning with a viewing of Superman/Batman: Public Enemies, an absolutely brilliant way to start off your weekend if you ask me!
Sunday I was again left to my own devices and once again ended up wasting most of the day away playing Yakuza, but I did manage to fit in a sizeable break with a trip through to the mall and Benbel in particular, where we set about purchasing a gigantic Caesar-style pot in which to plant our newly acquired ficus tree – needless to say, Chantelle’s green fingers are already in full itch to start her very own backyard garden! :)
And to be honest, that could quite possibly be that in terms of what I got up to this weekend. I vaguely remember an ice-cream on the beach, some further shopping stints and an attempt to wash out all the dye of my newly purchased karate belt before it gets the chance to reconfigure the colour of my white(ish) dogi, but that’s about all I can think of.
Truly a relaxing, enjoyable weekend to help easing into this whole “back to the grindstone” thing in other words! ;)