sour-fig-jamAt last! At long, long last. Chantelle has been threatening to cook this particular meal for me for well over a year now, ever since that fateful day out in Hout Bay where she excitedly made me stop alongside the road in order to purchase some Sour Fig Jam, claiming it almost impossible to find anywhere else and that she’d been looking for it for absolute ages already. Begrudgingly I obliged and that jar of jam has happily been residing in our fridge for at least a year by now.

(Of course in the meantime, roadside sellers of sour fig jam have become popping up all around us, meaning that her claim of it being nowhere to be found have long since been rubbished. They even sell it alongside the road next to Somerset Mall of all places!)

Anyway, back to the husband spoilt rotten story now. So after happily planting our ficus tree last night (more on that later – once I’ve taken a picture of it in other words), Chantelle dropped the bombshell that she was at long last going to make for me the promised dish:

Char-grilled Ostrich fillet with Sour Fig Jam Sauce, complemented with home-made French Fries and a leafy Green Salad.

And boy was it worth the wait. What a fantastic taste combination, it nearly had me in tears it was that good. Sigh, now I guess I have to wait another year or at least until my next birthday in order to taste this little slice of heaven once more.

I’m glad I married a former, trained Chef, truly I am! :)

(But as a bonus, at least I have a little more space in the fridge now I suppose! :P)