butterfly-on-face-artTo be honest, this past week has had Chantelle and I acting like proper social butterflies from start to finish, so I can’t tell you how much I’m looking to a day off all to Chantelle and myself, with no one to bother us and just a bottle of champagne and a box of chocolates to share between the two of us.

From Monday night it had kicked off already, with a trip through to Stellenbosch for supper with Andy and Albert, friends that we haven’t seen for months already. As per usual, the extremely handy in the kitchen Albert whipped up a mouth watering example of fillet done right, followed up with a delectable creme brule for dessert. Of course, actually eating one’s food turned out to be quite tricky, what with the three dogs slobbering all over you whenever they suspected you might still be hiding some food on your plate or on your person! :)

Tuesday was then a lovely half-day at work, thanks to the fact that the afternoon had been booked off for Touchwork’s very first, independent year end function, which saw all of us head out to the fabulous Jake’s in the Village eatery in Steenberg. Despite the severe lack of parking, all nine of us (Big boss Rudi joined us as well for a change), we all managed to arrive to the table and after a fun round of secret santa (I got socks with a snarky message referring to my lack of shoes at work! :D), got stuck into some seriously nice food – and wine.

Man did that come back later to bite me in the ass. Got home, fell on the bed and passed out for an hour, awaking only after being alerted to strange noises coming from the lounge – which turned out to be the Montgomery clan who had let themselves in to do some DIY on our behalf – thank goodness I crashed still dressed is all I can say! :D

The evening saw a fantastically sociable supper braai held at the guesthouse, with Wammy and Louise, The Montgomery Clan, Laluna and her daughter and folks as well as Chantelle and myself, and as per usual it turned quickly into quite a raucous affair, so much so that apparently the remaining few only got to bed well, well after midnight in the end! (Chantelle and I left earlier to get some much needed rest – and alone time of course! :P).

Wednesday morning I got to spend with Ryan helping him out at his place and the evening funnily enough was actually devoid of human contact for a change, giving Chantelle and I the perfect opportunity to slip out and catch Invictus and have supper at the Spur, more on which I’ll chat about next week sometime when I get a chance. Chantelle on the other hand couldn’t escape, as a host of her friends descended on the guesthouse for an early morning breakfast, together with the rest of the Montgomery clan that had ended up sleeping over there following Tuesday night’s get together.

Finally, last night it was Retha’s turn as we joined her and her family in celebrating her graduation by eating out with them at Ocean Basket in the Waterfront, a place Chantelle and I haven’t visited in actual ages come to think of it!

Which of course leaves tonight, which is still looking clear for us at this stage, but you never know of course, though Saturday is already choc-a-block full for us two social butterflies – Christmas shopping in the morning, a visit with Dean, Zania and Zandea in the afternoon and then finally a picnic with Andri and Malcolm in Kirstenbosch for the annual Carols by Candlelight celebration in the evening.

Sheesh, talk about being sociable the last couple of days, right? ;)