As a designer, have you ever been annoyed that your images, when displayed across all those multiple screens of yours, all seem to look completely different in terms of colour?
Well help is at hand in the Windows world, thanks to Calibrize, a free utility that helps you calibrate the colours of your monitors in three simple steps. The process itself is as simple as performing three basic manipulation steps (the last one of those being to save your colour profile – so that technically makes it two steps I suppose), making synching up your display devices in terms of colour and contrast an absolute breeze!
The application is free to download and use, but is supported by adverts for Colorjinn, which no matter how you look at it, are quite easy to bear, considering the fact that the first version of this popular app was actually following the pay for usage business model.
It’s a small download, features a clean interface, is easy to understand and simple to use, and it’s free, making this a simply fabulous little addition to your ever expanding utility belt.
Just a note though, it is only available for the Windows platform at present.
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