Actually, over the course of this past stretch of leave, I did in fact discover a great new little exercise routine to keep me busy and my blood pumping over all those days spent alone at the pad in Gordon’s Bay – I shall call it “The Long Walk”.
I have no idea what made me do it, but one day I simply decided that I needed some fresh air and get a little more sun (playing games indoors all day tends to eat away at your vitamin D production after all you know), and so I dutifully pulled on my training shoes, grabbed my shades and good old Minnesota Twins baseball cap, and then went in search for my iPod.
I had just previously downloaded Eddie Izzard’s classic The Circle comedy routine and so I loaded it on the iPod (damn Ubuntu Karmic Koala refused to synch with the device I might add!) and pressed play. And that was the last I was to see of our pad for then next hour and forty minutes!
My brisk walk took me all the way outside of the complex, down Faure Marine Drive towards Gordon’s Bay past the Pick ‘n Pay, the Graveyard and Wonky Donkey, down alongside main beach (which was cooking all Summer long just by the way), up past Chantelle’s guest house, past the Navy training college, down alongside Bikini Beach, hitting the turn around point finally at the end of the cul de sac overlooking the sea!
A good 50 minutes to get there (and Eddie was still happily blaspheming away), and without so much as a pause to check the time, I walked around the circle and started the journey back – which obviously took another good 50 minutes to complete as well as a couple of tracks from Blue October seeing as Izzard had finally signed off just before I hit the complex again.
And so my new routine had started. With lots of Ricky Gervais and Eddie Izzard audio clips and podcasts to entertain, the long walk became a staple part of my holiday activities – so much so that I’m looking to continue with it over the weekends now that I’m back at work – though of course that all depends on whether or not I can convince Chantelle that she needs to join me on those sparse weekends where she actually has off for a change! :P