Did I ever mention that Chantelle and I went to watch Alan Committie’s latest show at Theatre on the Bay a couple of weeks ago? No? Well in that case you’ve probably missed out then, because I’m pretty sure its finished its run (or should that be fun) by now!

Fully Committied was the show’s title and as always it was jam-packed to the brim with raucous laugh out loud humour that has become an Alan Committie trademark over the years. Following his usual varied topic discussion format, this time we got to see him talking about subjects varying from Dan Brown’s latest book all the way through to joggers and what they see in their heads, and not to be outdone by modern technology, we even got a great PowerPoint slideshow that included a variety of graphs, old photos and even a video clip of a beagle running in slow motion – simply majestic I tell you! ;)

As per usual, Alan’s alter ego, part time security guard extraordinaire, Johan van der Walt came out to play and building on last time’s successful new character launch, Alan’s impersonation of Springbok coach P.Divvy made his triumphant return to the stage as well.

Like I said, the show pretty much followed the same pattern as all his previous shows like Stressed to Kill, and Bigger, Better, Faster, but the level of comedy has stayed fresh and as always his interactions with the audience continues to be absolutely priceless.

Extremely witty, loaded with puns, Alan Committie has proved himself to be one of the few comedians that I actually enjoy going back to see over and over again, and if he continues to churn out these hilarious shows, then I’ll continue to plonk my butt down in support!

P.S. And yes, there was indeed someone from Bergvliet sitting in the audience as per usual! Shame, will they never learn? ;)