Arthur Sabintsev (aka LazyRussion) brings to us the brilliant little Firefox add-on named Email This! which basically allows you to right-click on any selected text on any webpage your are currently browsing and then send the highlight text, title plus link to an email recipient using GMail, Google Apps GMail, Yahoo or even standalone mail clients like Outlook Express or Thunderbird.
The amount of times I want to send an email to myself containing the exact data I just mentioned above for later reference is a lot, so this little add-on is certainly proving to be one hell of an effort saver! :)
To use, simply install as normal and once installed, set the necessary mailer preferences by clicking on the Options button under the Email This! entry on the add-ons page. Once set up, Email This! now becomes usable via either a toolbar entry or a right-click context menu option.
All that, all that is left is now to browse to a page, highlight a passage of text and click send! Brilliant I tell you! :)
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