So the task of slowly emptying the house of my unwanted, unnecessary and perhaps unloved possessions, in order to generate more space now that I no longer have access to the “man room” to dump all my junk in, continues unabated.
Now normally I’m a guy that simply gives away stuff when I no longer want it or even worse, simply place it next to the rubbish bin in the hopes that it either gets dumped or that someone not too bothered about that sort of thing gives my discarded items a new and loving home.
But this time around it is different…
I’m actually trying to sell some of the stuff off for a change!
So I’ve already mentioned my slightly successful foray into the world of Gumtree and online selling, but the problem I’m now finding is that it is really, really annoying the amount of times people will make dates with you in order to come view/purchase your item and then simply don’t pitch up, leaving you with half a wasted day when you could have been elsewhere being more productive, instead of just waiting at the meeting point and twiddling your thumbs.
Which brings me to the actual crux of this post: I made my first sale to a pawn shop – or second hand store if you like that term better! :P
But not just any second hand store mind you.
Nope, it was good old Cash Crusaders, you know, the guys who originally ran the adverts featuring old Settlers High School buddy Charles Tertiens as the blue spandex-clad Cash Crusader Man.
The Somerset Mall branch of this franchise which deals in the buying and selling of both old and new items was my target for my first sales experience, and armed with some DVDs, a few unwanted PS2 games and a small DVD rack, I entered the fairly spacious Buying Office situated inside the actual store and approached one of the assistants waiting behind the counter.
From there, the actual selling process was pretty simple and straightforward, in other words hassle free – just the way I like it! :)
I handed over my ID book to be photocopied and filled in some residential details, while the assistant went through my bounty and then announced what he would take, what he wouldn’t and why, and how much he could offer me for the accepted stock.
True, the money offered probably isn’t quite as much as I could get had I gone the private sale route, but like I said, in terms of a hassle free way of getting rid of good quality, unwanted possessions (and make a little cash in return) fast, this really is one of the simplest routes one can take!
Buoyed by my positive experience and new wad of bank notes in my wallet, I then set about questioning him on what other stuff they would take and make no mistake, I will be back there sooner than later – though not on a Sunday afternoon mind you!
It would seem that neither Cash Crusaders nor their maroon-coloured competitors Cash Converters are all that keen on giving away money when you ought to be in church! :P