So after boring you with all the homely news of life in Nagua Bay last week, I thought I would continue the trend and get everyone more up-to-date, because as we know, time waits for no man.
So let’s start with the bedroom then shall we?
Well, like I mentioned a whole week into owning our very first expensive foam bed, the damn thing’s base went and popped one of its supporting struts, meaning that I had to let Chantelle loose on Bed City and I’m impressed to say that the wonderful lady whom we purchased the thing from had it swapped out just about the next day, sending one of her guys in and getting it over and done with before you could even say “Hey, there’s a strange man in our bedroom!”. Speculation is that most likely the base was damaged when offloading from the factory, maybe causing a week spot on that problematic top strut, which then unfortunately gave way when we started using the bed proper. Anyway, no foul, no harm done and everything is back to normal in the bedroom then.
As for our Boardmans’ headboard experience, the good news is that the helpful Chantel has now organised that they create a new one for us from scratch as she is currently unable to source an unsoiled one from any of their other branches here in the Western Cape. And the best part of it all is that because of all the inconvenience this is causing us, we aren’t going to have to pay in any extra for the making up of a new product (because normally you pay for that!). So nice on Boardmans, now we just have to sit back and wait! :)
Lastly, we thought our hassles with the spare bedroom had finally come to an end with the laying of the new sand-coloured carpet (we don’t have a say on the colour) in the room and the moving back in of some of the spare furniture. Well we thought wrong.
Because as you can see from the photographic evidence below, that pearly white carpet was not intended to stay as spotless and stain free as it came in forever – no, definitely not going to happen when it is all splattered with blood, feathers and a dead pigeon in the corner.
Seems like one of the boys brought in a snack for us to see on our return home from work…