To run any one of the brilliantly useful Adobe AIR applications floating around there on your shiny new Ubuntu Lucid Lynx installation is actually pretty easy, thanks in the most part to Adobe’s releasing a Debian installer package for the Adobe AIR Application Installer.
So first things first, download the .deb package from Adobe at Once downloaded, double click and install.
The next step is to then locate the Adobe AIR application you wish to use and download the .air installer file to you system. Double clicking on it should then launch the Adobe AIR Application Installer which will in turn give you the option to install the AIR application you just clicked on. And that’s pretty much it. Follow all the prompts as necessary and note where the executable file gets dumped – that’s the file you’ll want to click on to launch the application after install – though clicking on the original .air application will give the option to execute the already installed application as well!
So, so simple these days! :)