Most Joomla sites, with or without snazzy templates applied, all carry a pretty standard Powered by Joomla! footer text.

Now while most people should be in favour of keeping this in, there are a lot of us out there who simply don’t want it spoiling our tight site design, and so digging around the web revealed the two simplest ways of removing this line of text from your website.

First, you could actually edit the core files of your Joomla 1.5 installation directly. To do this, go to the core files, navigating through core files >> Languages >> en-GB.mod_footer.ini.

Opening this file you will see the lines:

FOOTER_LINE1=Copyright © %date% %sitename%. All Rights Reserved.
FOOTER_LINE2=Joomla! is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL License.
THIS MODULE SHOWS THE JOOMLA! COPYRIGHT INFORMATION=This Module shows the Joomla! Copyright information

Simply change the data to what you would like to display and voila – you are done! :)

A second way is to modify your template file located at yourtemplate/index.php – scroll to the bottom, locate the lines below and change accordingly:

<a href="">Joomla!</a> <a href="">XHTML</a>  <a href="">CSS</a>

And that is literally that. Nifty.