Last Friday saw the second leg of our local little Come Dine with Me competition (well competition is unfair considering everyone is seemingly to chicken to allow voting), following on the first one held last month which I unfortunately missed out on due to illness, forfeiting my place alongside Chantelle to Retha as they enjoyed a succulent feast prepared by the team effort of Gary and Michelle. (Young David proved useless in the kitchen after all).
This time around it was the turn of Andri and Malcolm to knock our socks off, and after initially agonizing over what to prepare before eventually picking Chinese, Andri did a full 360 on the night and instead presented the hungry pairings of Michelle and Gary, and Chantelle and myself with a fantastic combination of steak over the coals, home made potato wedges, butternut squash, green salad and of course followed up by the all important dessert which consisted of completely home made sorbet (three delicious flavours) combined with mouth watering home baked meringues!
Needless to say, the six of us ate like absolute kings, seven if you include young Corban who did his best to behave despite a certain Craig encouraging him to play with his dinosaurs whilst at the table, something dad Malcolm was quick to nip in the bud! ;)
As an added bonus, Malcolm hauled out an oversized bottle of red wine his has been keeping for a number years now after winning it as a prize during some or other golf thing, and surprisingly enough, the 2002 Meerlust Red was still in perfect drinking form, actually proving itself to be one of the nicest and easiest drinking reds I’ve enjoyed for quite some time now!
The evening went on for much longer that what I had originally anticipated, which funnily enough was a good thing because it meant that the adults were really enjoying themselves despite the presence of two small babies, making it a shame when it was eventually decided to call it a night.
(As for me, well I didn’t exactly rush off home to Gordon’s Bay though to be honest. After all, I still needed to pick up my Gi to which Mom had lovingly sewed on the Funakoshi badge whilst I was merrily away enjoying supper!)
Not that last weekend’s visitations ended on Friday night mind you. Saturday afternoon saw Chantelle and myself out and about again, though this time wasn’t quite such a gourmet affair. No, we joined all my fellow karateka at Sensei Birgitt’s house where the men enjoyed the fantastic rugby clash between the Sharks and Western Province, whilst devouring Gert’s special “budget” muffins as a snack (Seriously can’t believe how tasty egg and bread baked in a muffin pan in the oven is).
Anyway back to the topic. What this all leads up to is obviously that it now falls upon us to host the final Come Dine with Me leg come next month.
Needless to say, Chantelle has more than a couple of ideas up her sleeve on how best to blow the competition out of the water already, though I dare say none of them actually involve me “helping” her out in the kitchen on the big day!
Still, can’t say I’m not looking forward to this one! ;)