Hey, how did that happen? I blinked and all of a sudden I became a winna winner!

Thanks to the blokes over at the excellent xboxgaming.com, my name was drawn out of the digital hat and I get to walk away with a cool hamper and copy of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011 for the XBOX 360!

And just in time too.

With events transpiring as they have, I no longer have any disposable income I can warrant spending on myself instead of on little Jessica and all the consumables and equipment she so rightfully demands, meaning I haven’t had a new game to let my twitchy fingers rip loose on in absolute ages!

So thanks guys, appreciate the competition and keep up the good work. Now if only I can successfully convince my brother to come over for a visit so that I can place him in an appropriate headlock…

Related Link: http://www.xboxgaming.co.za/news/wwe-smackdown-vs-raw-2011-competition-winners-announced/