To check if a column exists in a table with SQL using a MySQL database is pretty easy, thanks to the nifty SHOW COLUMNS command.
To find if a specific column exists, we simply extend the standard SHOW COLUMNS FROM statement with a LIKE parameter, which allows us to search for a specific string or for a partial string using the standard % modifier. If the statement returns a non-empty result set, we know the column exists.
For example:
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `table` LIKE 'column-name';
will return a empty result set if your table doesn’t have a column named ‘column-name’ in it. Similarly,
SHOW COLUMNS FROM `table` LIKE 'column-name%';
will return a result set containing all columns that start with ‘column-name’, e.g. ‘column-name-a’ and ‘column-name-b’ as well as plain old ‘column-name’ of course!