PHP by default uses the GD library for all its image processing and manipulation work, which handles most types of image files perfectly well. The one glaring omission however is when it comes to working with standard Windows Bitmap BMP files, where for example in amongst all the various imagecreatefromXXX function calls you’ll notice that there isn’t one for the plain old BMP photos.

Luckily though, there are more than a few user-generated implementations floating around the Internet, with one of the more simple but workable ones being presented here for my own future reference (because I’m a forgetful code monkey):

function imagecreatefrombmp($p_sFile) {
    $file = fopen($p_sFile, "rb");
    $read = fread($file, 10);
    while (!feof($file) && ($read <> ""))
        $read .= fread($file, 1024);
    $temp = unpack("H*", $read);
    $hex = $temp[1];
    $header = substr($hex, 0, 108);
    if (substr($header, 0, 4) == "424d") {
        $header_parts = str_split($header, 2);
        $width = hexdec($header_parts[19] . $header_parts[18]);
        $height = hexdec($header_parts[23] . $header_parts[22]);
    $x = 0;
    $y = 1;
    $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
    $body = substr($hex, 108);
    $body_size = (strlen($body) / 2);
    $header_size = ($width * $height);
    $usePadding = ($body_size > ($header_size * 3) + 4);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $body_size; $i+=3) {
        if ($x >= $width) {
            if ($usePadding)
                $i += $width % 4;
            $x = 0;
            if ($y > $height)
        $i_pos = $i * 2;
        $r = hexdec($body[$i_pos + 4] . $body[$i_pos + 5]);
        $g = hexdec($body[$i_pos + 2] . $body[$i_pos + 3]);
        $b = hexdec($body[$i_pos] . $body[$i_pos + 1]);
        $color = imagecolorallocate($image, $r, $g, $b);
        imagesetpixel($image, $x, $height - $y, $color);
    return $image;
