Admittedly, Easter Weekend 2011 was probably not the most awesome or exciting of Easter periods I’ve ever had, but this one did come with enough variety in activities (and chocolate) to not make it a bad one! ;)
Seeing as our disposable money levels aren’t yet recovered (sigh, I wonder if it will ever recover), it was no going away this year for the two of us, a pity because for a change Chantelle was actually off for the weekend!
Anyway, Friday evening, as all Friday evenings have pretty much become, was a pretty laid back affair, with us doing the daily routine of getting little Jessie-bean fed, bathed and ready for bed, Chantelle then grabbing the opportunity to get to bed early-ish (shame, she has a lot of admin like expressing and getting milk ready each and every night before she can turn in!) for a change, and me the opportunity to put my feet up and take in some entertainment, be it in the form of manga, anime, television or gaming, or my particular favourite, a Jackie Chan movie – watching South African actors in “Who am I?” was so much fun!
Saturday we decided to make the best of the beautiful weather, and after some work in the garden while Chantelle got Jessie all ready to go, we hit the coastal road enjoyed a scenic (well we had to because we were stuck in a line of cars behind one rather leisurely driver) trip past Rooi Els and into Pringle Bay, where we first dawdled around (and changed nappy), before ending up at our usual spot at the delightful, if a little overpriced, @365 restaurant for some yummy lunch and most importantly, delicious dessert!
(This actually marked the first time we had taken Jessica into an eating establishment with us, and because we were prepared with bottle at hand, it went really, really well!)
We followed this up with a lazy drive through to Betty’s Bay, marvelled at the huge sand dunes and commented on how big the sleepy coastal spot seems to have gotten since last we were there (we say the same thing every time), before turning around and driving home.
The evening we decided to try our luck once more, and so the three of us set out to Sunset Spur here on Gordon’s Bay beach, where Chantelle and I enjoyed a delicious supper and Jessica happily gurgled back at us from her little carry seat perched atop the table – without disturbing all the other patrons which was a nice bonus considering that the 18:00-19:00 slot is not usually her best time of the night! :)
Sunday was declared household chores and chocolate eating day, with the pile of chocolates we had collected stacked up and equally divided in front of us, including the Lindt Easter Bunny I received from wifey and the box of Lindt choccies I have bought for her in return (because damn it, yes I had forgotten about Easter, hadn’t made the time to get to the shops before everything was sold out, and was frankly quite lucky to find this box of Lindt which just happens to be her favourite flavour – it’s the light blue, limited edition one in case you are wondering).
Monday of course saw Chantelle returning to work, but I was on hand to handle all the necessary babycare stuff as well as play host to a visiting Dean and Zania, who popped in for a lekker kuier on their way back from Hermanus. The afternoon then saw the arrival of Monty and Cheryl who had pitched up for the braai Chantelle had organised, and by a stroke of chance, my mom and pops also showed up at our place on their way back from Pearly Beach, turning it into one big family event!
So yeah, no pitched tents or bed and breakfasts for us this year, but it was a pleasant Easter 2011 nevertheless.
Still, can’t wait until Jessica is big enough so that I can start hiding Easter Eggs everywhere – the trial run on Chantelle proved to me that I really do enjoy that sort of thing! :P