I like Arial Black. There is something compelling about that big and chunky font that makes me always want to include it in my designs. However, it is a Microsoft Windows font and it comes thus as no surprise that it isn’t available by default on a new Ubuntu desktop installation. Never fear though, not all is lost… it turns out that installing some of the Microsoft Windows core fonts isn’t necessarily that difficult after all!

First, fire up the Synaptic Package Manager or if you are less of a power user, the Ubuntu Software Center (at the bottom of the main system Applications menu).

Then run a search for “ttf mscorefonts” and mark for installation. I found that in the Ubuntu Software Center, a search for “true font” also threw me my hoped for result. Weird. Anyway. In this case it is marked as Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. Select and install.

It take a short while during which the installer locates, downloads and installs the necessary font files, but once it is done, fire up your favourite font-enabled application (like GIMP) and check out those shiny new additions to your font options.

Oh yeah Arial Black, I’m looking at you… ;)