A quest for the legendary Amber Room, hidden by Sir Richard Byrd many, many years ago, launches Nathan Drake and a surprise companion on a journey to the center of the earth, more specifically the fabled Agartha of the Hollow Earth legend.
As enemies from Sir Francis Drake’s past come for revenge on his descendant, Drake must use all the skills at his disposal to stay one step ahead of the game.
The Uncharted series of games has undoubtedly been a hit on the PS3 console, so much so that DC Comics decided to jump in on the action and commission a six part comic book miniseries, delivering a standalone adventure for Mr. Drake in the action-packed tradition set forth by the game series.
Writer Joshua Williamson is tasked with coming up with the tale for this comic book series and in the end manages to whip up an enjoyable adventure yarn, steeped in a little bit of real world legend and history, that has more than a few twists and turns and delivers well on the action, drama and humor fronts.
Despite not doing much in terms of character development given the short nature of the series, Uncharted is an easy, enjoyable read which is sure to delight fans of action adventure tales.
On the art front, penciller Sergio Sandoval and inker Pol Gas deliver some fantastic visuals, providing lots of detail and really good looking characters, not to mention background designs. Of course the excellent coloring and use of a muted palette also helps to lend this title a really unique and eye-catching look, all of which is beautifully wrapped up in some rather striking cover art courtesy of series cover artist, Tony Harris.
Overall, Uncharted is an enjoyable adventure read that should appeal both to fans and newcomers to the franchise alike! Well worth picking up if you get the opportunity then.