Well that was certainly fortuitous, or pretty damn unfortunate depending on what angle you want to look at it from!
During Sunday’s relaxed family braai day hosted by us, Chantelle had asked Robert to go up in the roof to adjust the Geyser’s temperature down slightly, as the water temperature had been a bit erratic for the last little while. He wasn’t up there for more than a minute or two, before jumping down and breaking the bad news that by the look of things, our geyser was leaking. Not badly, but definitely leaking – and certainly a possible culprit collaborator behind our increasingly large monthly electricity bills. He scribbled down Kwikot’s contact number as well as the serial number of our geyser, and early Tuesday morning Chantelle called up their call centre in order to get some direction as to where to go from here.
As it turns out, our 150 litre geyser is still pretty new, only about two years into its five year guarantee, meaning they immediately sent out someone to come over and look, though that said, worryingly the geyser is only two years old – surely it shouldn’t be packing up already! In any event, we still needed to hope that it was the geyser itself and not the thermostat – the latter isn’t covered by the warranty!
Anyway, late Tuesday afternoon a friendly two-man team arrived at our door (after first getting lost at Country Places), and after a brief look around in the roof, it was concluded that the geyser was definitely leaking and so out it came (looking rather rusted and used, leading me to wonder as to just how long this slow leak may already have persisted for…) and in went a shiny brand new one, one of Kwikot’s newer “bullet” designs, which are said to feature a lot stronger welds at the seam than some of their previous models.
I was pretty amazed at how efficiently the two chaps did their work, marvelling at how they managed to get such a big object out and then back in through a rather tiny square hole – and just how easy they were making it look in the process!
So far so good, and the new geyser appears to be working correctly, set at its new geyser temperature of 60 degrees celcius to make sure any nasty bacteria don’t decide to lurk around the deliciously hot water…