JSON has become just as big as XML in terms of being the format used to transfer data between AJAX driven web services, meaning that as a PHP developer you will no doubt be doing a lot of dealing with JSON objects.
The default way of grabbing JSON data returned by a web service is to call the built in json_decode function which generates what is known as a stdClass. These can be traversed much as you would a normal array using loops:
$jsondatastdclass = json_decode($jsoninput);
foreach ($jsondatastdclass as $object)
foreach ($object as $property=>$value)
echo $property." has the value ". $value;
It’s not great, but it does work. However, later version of PHP do allow you to add a second parameter when calling the json_decode function, namely a boolean which then forces the function to return a normal associative array.
In practice:
$jsondataarray = json_decode($jsoninput, true);
echo $jsondataarray['data'][0];
And now you know.