Last weekend was the final weekend of Jessica’s holiday – she started creche at Baby Steps on Monday! Of course this meant that we needed to get her back, and so on Friday evening after work, Mom and Dad came over to enjoy some supper and catching up with us, as well as of course bringing with them young Jessica, who had been staying with them for the last little while (both Chantelle and I are already back at work, in the thick of things!).
Saturday morning/afternoon was dominated by Chantelle’s usual deli delivery in Franschhoek, though this time around Jessica and I thought it might be nice to join her for the trip, the end result being a lovely day out and about in the sun, enjoying good deli food and of course learning all about Sacred Ground, the place which is currently generating most of Chantelle’s income! :)
Back home the three of us went on a plastics buying splurge, and after a successful trip to first Mambos and then Plastics Warehouse, Chantelle was now fully kitted out for storing cakes in the freezer and likewise armed with her new mini-broom, Jess was ready to clean up after her!
As for Saturday evening, while Chantelle baked and Jessie slept, I amused myself by finally getting around to renewing some work on Chantelle’s Cookies and Cakes website.
Sunday marked our first market for the year, with Chantelle and I splitting the manning the stall duty at Hathersage, Chantelle handling the morning session and I taking over the afternoon session. Once again Hathersage proved to be a fantastic family driven, Sunday afternoon outing type of vibe, and a nice added touch was the arrival of the Montgomery clan to come and enjoy the sun, marimba, and of course estate wine under the big shady tree with us. (And in the end, it wasn’t a horrible market in terms of takings for us either).
This year is going to be a lot different from last, in that thanks to the deli Chantelle doesn’t have to do markets any more, meaning that at last I have my weekends back. That said, we’ve both agreed to keep running with the Hathersage market, mainly because it is so geographically close to us, completely skips winter, is only every second Sunday, and carries such a nice family-friendly vibe (and the fact that the extra little income it generates pays for Chantelle’s new assistant, Olga, who started working for Chantelle on Monday, doesn’t hurt either!).
With the successful market done and dusted, I convinced Jessie and Chantelle to join me for a trip down to the beach, which turned out to be loads of fun, with Jessica really taking to the sand and water as per usual.
And that was really that. With Jessica asleep on her last night of freedom, Chantelle and I started the arduous task of tidying up the house somewhat, just so that when new girl Olga started on Monday, she wouldn’t turn around and run away screaming if she saw the state of our house!
Truly. If you are parents to a toddler then your house is never clean, neat or tidy! :)