This past weekend wasn’t exactly the greatest it must be said, thanks for the most part to both Chantelle and I being laid out cold with the first proper illness brought on by the changing season – all thanks to little miss Jess who happily passed on all her bugs to Mommy and Daddy!

granny bothma at christmas lunch

I didn’t go in to work on Friday in order to attend Granny Sedge’s memorial service, which was held at the Eden Park Retirement Village. The service was well attended by both family and friends, and I was honoured to be asked by the family to do the eulogy for my late gran. After the sad affair and a little bit of tea and sarmies were indulged in by the guests at the retirement village, the close family was invited to meet up at my folk’s place for some lunch and snacks, and while Chantelle eventually left to continue her baking work, I ended up pretty much spending the rest of the day there.

Saturday I awoke feeling as if a bus had driven over me and after taking some medication and killing a little time at home, I drove through to Kuilsriver to meet up with the family at Gran’s house in Eden Park, in order to start the process of emptying the little place of all Gran’s belongings. Dad hired a nice big trailer for the job and in the end, we pretty much managed to find a home for all the bigger items, with little Jessica scoring a beautiful white toy box in the process. Not feeling particularly well at this point, I left in the afternoon and joined up with Chantelle at her folk’s place in Bellville, where I promptly crashed on the guest bed for an hour and a half or so, before rising to eat a little supper and watch a little rugby, finally making the long trip back home where I promptly crashed into bed and slept from 21:00 right through to 08:00!

Sunday saw both Chantelle and I still feeling pretty grotty, so we organized for the Montgomery Clan to come over for a visit and for Monty to see if he could fix the braai room lights that had blown a few weeks ago. As it turned out, the lights was a relatively simple fix, mainly a matter of locating the burnt off wire and reattaching it to complete the circuit, meaning that after a light lunch the sick Lotters joined the healthy Montgomery Clan and little Jessica for an enjoyable outing to the Strand Duck Pond, which saw plenty of pieces of bread being devoured by the ducks, and lots of excitement on the kiddie’s playpark!

As for Sunday evening, I spent the majority of it in bed once again.

(But at least I bounced back feeling better in the morning.)