new-hyundai-getz-at-homeAt last! Finally the central locking on my 2010 Hyundai Getz has been repaired, meaning that all the doors unlock when I open the driver’s door lock, and all the doors lock when I close the driver’s door lock – seriously, you won’t believe how happy this makes me, after sitting with this problem since 2011 already!

I took the car in during the week for its 90,000 km service (already!), and as per usual Hyundai Helderberg did a superb job in impressing me both with the high level of customer service as well as their service professionalism.

Thankfully I’m still under my original service plan and warranty because the service rang up to a total of R4,350, but what made me really happy that for the first time since I began reporting my intermittently working central locking to their service department, I didn’t get a “I checked, cleaned the contacts, can’t find anything wrong” answer – this time it was a proper, “the central locking actuator appears to have packed up and we’ve ordered another one which should arrive shortly” response.

So a couple of days later it was back to the Hyundai service center early morning to drop off the car, only to return a couple of hours later and pick up a shiny charcoal grey Getz, complete with a working central locking system!

Bliss I tell you, bliss.