The office hasn’t seen all that much of me this week. In fact, Monday was the only day that I made it through to our Westlake premises – the rest of the week I’ve been firmly grounded here in Gordon’s Bay (apart from a business meeting out in Stellenbosch on Thursday that is).
The reason for this tardiness is an annoying cold which started off life by turning me into a sniffling husband on Tuesday, a lethargic sloth with more than just a runny nose on Wednesday, switching to giving me a closed chest and a terrible cough on Thursday, and finishing off the week by leaving me with a fuzzy head and some more than annoying headaches to deal with today.
And worst of all Chantelle still doesn’t believe me when I say that I’m dying.
(In fact, she’s rather enjoyed the fact that she can stay in bed while I take Jessica to school every morning!)