So the end of the road is finally in sight – this coming Monday, 13 January 2014, Chantelle and I will be welcoming into this world our little Emily, in all likelihood the last addition to our little branch of the Lotter Clan.

It’s been a long nine months and Chantelle has certainly struggled this last month and a half, thanks to the general uncomfortableness associated with pregnancy, and of course the soaring heatwave that Cape Town experienced for much of the December holiday period.

Pleasingly, unlike the previous pregnancy with Jess, and despite the little scare with Chantelle’s earlier car crash, there were absolutely no complications this time around – meaning that Chantelle has carried Emily all the way through to full term, and in the process affording her the full experience of being pregnant.

Mind you, she’s ready for Emily to come out now – it’s been a little too tiring and uncomfortable these last few weeks!

Needless to say, we’re a little bit apprehensive for the upcoming c-section operation on Monday morning (08:00!) – unlike last time when it was a medical emergency and there was no time to really given anything much thought, this time around we’ve got a very nervy Sunday evening to ponder on the big event lying in wait for us. Doubt much sleep will be had by the either of us in other words!

On another note, I must say that I’m pleased that we’re in Vergelegen this time around – they really are one of the better baby-friendly hospitals around, and we’re looking forward to the experience based on what they showed us during the earlier facilities tour (thankfully they’ve now fully restored functionality following the flooding that hit the area early December last year).

All in all, it’s really an exciting time again, and despite the long hours and loads of work coming our way, I CAN’T wait to see my new baby girl and hold her in my arms already! :)

pregnant chantelle lotter showing off her belly

(Looks like January is certainly going to be the month of birthdays in the family. In addition to little Emily, my sister Claire and her husband Riley just welcomed their second son, Grayson into the world a week ago on the 2nd of Jan this year, and then of course my brother Ryan celebrates his birthday towards the tail of January. Presents, presents, presents!)