Wanting to make the most of such a beautiful Sunday morning, Chantelle and I decided to take the kids out to the Blaauwklippen Family Market, a market that neither of us have been to for quite some time.

As it turned out, the good weather and holiday season meant that we weren’t the only ones with this idea, meaning that Blaauwklippen was literally bursting at the seams with all the people. Nevertheless, we did the required queuing, got our hands on the requisite pancakes for Jess, and found a great little space in the shade, from where we could take in the sights, sounds, and vibe of a market properly in full swing.

Like always, the live music on offer was absolutely fantastic (I unfortunately didn’t catch the performing duo’s name), whilst Jess in particular was taken with watching all of the kiddies go for rides on a small white pony (the queue was incredibly long, which made it even more sad when the pony had to go for its rest breaks. So, so many disappointed little faces!).

As for Emily, who spent a lot of time strapped to Mommy for the record (NooNoo Pie Tie for the win), seemed most enthralled with Chantelle’s prize purchase – a little plastic jar of roasted pecan nuts!


(Oh, and if we thought that Blaauwklippen was busy, boy were we in for a surprise when travelling past the Root 44 market on the way home. I don’t think I’ve ever before seen their parking lot so completely filled from top to bottom! In other words, it really was the perfect day to be out and about in the Stellenbosch area…)