As you might have noted from the recent run of blog posts (almost all photo gallery entries mind you), Jessica, Emily and I really did get up to a lot over this December break. The girls all ended their respective playschool years around the 12th of December, and I joined them on leave around the 18th, meaning that we’ve had a good two or so weeks of each other’s undivided attention.
Unfortunately Chantelle was working for pretty much the entire duration of my two weeks’ leave period (in the end, she actually got two days off over that entire period, when at the start of the run she was expected to get none!), meaning that it was pretty much just me and the girls most of the time, and as you might have been able to tell by now, I did my absolute best to ensure that we did at least one fun outing on each and every day of our holiday together!
We fed ducks, we fed rabbits, we saw monkeys, we saw butterflies, we played at Blasters, we looked at lions, we visted with Oupa and Ouma, we swam with Granpa and Granny, we opened Christmas Presents, we ate Christmas lunch, we played on New Year’s eve, we ate New Year’s lunch, we went to the beach, we went to outdoor markets, we fed chickens, we played at Mondeor, we devoured McDonalds ice cream… well, you get the picture.
All in all, we had lots of holiday fun together, and as an added bonus (as far as Jessica is concerned), we watched a LOT of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Equestria Girls!
Of course, all good things do eventually have to come to an end, work has started and playschool beckons (or beckoned in Jess’ case – she started last Thursday already). Still, we had loads of fun, enjoyed lots (and lots) of bonding time, and in the end, gave me loads of memories to treasure – very important come the years when they are teenagers and want absolutely nothing to do with their doting dad! :)