I forgot to mention that a fair couple of weeks ago, Jessica was in for a right treat when Monty prepared a bed of soil for her and tasked her with planting her very own green bean garden patch.

Of course, the actual planting was quite stressful for oupa Monty as he continuously reminded Jessica not to push the seeds down too deep, not to cover them with so much soil, not to press on them so much, not to give them so much water, etc.

jessica lotter planting her bean seeds with oupa in the garden

Nevertheless, each and every little bean was planted, patted and watered, and two weeks later I brought the girls back so that Jessica could inspect her gardening project.

Thankfully, the beans had all sprouted and were standing quite proud and tall – exactly what a little blonde princess might have been expecting!

jessica lotter proudly standing next to her bean garden

grandpa monty montgomery standing with jessica lotter next to her bean garden

Emily on the other hand couldn’t be bothered with the whole bean planting exercise. She was more than happy to continue being swung in Monty’s fun makeshift milk crate swing!

emily lotter swinging in a makeshift crate swing

So with beans now mastered, I wonder what gardening project is up next from Oupa and Ouma Montgomery? ;)

granny cheryl mongomery and grandpa monty montgomery sitting next to jessica lotter at stodels in bellville