So this year marked the sixth year that I’ve been married to Chantelle. This year around though, our anniversary day fell on a Saturday, and this being a weekend where Chantelle was working (and stressed in trying to get things organized for Jessica’s big birthday parties – yes, “parties” and not “party”), there was to be no chance for a proper wedding anniversary celebration this time around.

(Last year we did a lot better mind you).

IMG_20151107_110755 Shopping with Jess and Emily in Somerset Mall

So last weekend was spent shopping with Jessica and Emily at Somerset Mall (we did buy some roses for Chantelle), stopping at McDonalds (because this is something that Jessica now asks for. We didn’t buy Chantelle a McFlurry though), and joining up with Chantelle for a celebratory (but kid-interrupted) drink at a bustling Bossa Social Cafe and Bar in Somerset West.

IMG_20151107_121341 Craig, Jessica and Emily Lotter selfie at Waterstone McDonalds

Not particularly romantic.

IMG_20151107_134352 Chantelle with Emily lotter at Bossa Social Cafe and Bar in Somerset West

We tried again on Sunday, but again, small kids don’t really make for romantic wedding anniversary celebration locale selection!

So pink milkshake at Mondeor Garden Restaurant it was.

IMG_20151108_123538 pink milkshake at mondeor garden restaurant in somerset west

Maybe next year we’ll plan ahead and do it properly! ;)

(Which reminds me. It’s six years later and I just realized that I still haven’t gotten around to posting our wedding photos on my blog. I guess I really ought to get around to doing that sometime. That said, it’s been a year and I still haven’t fixed our front door glass – so I wouldn’t exactly hold my breathe on the photos front then if I were you!)