The girls and I found ourselves with a LOT of time to kill the first couple of weeks following my knee operation – stuck at home and with no Chantelle in sight! (December is super busy for the guest house as you might imagine!)

I am therefore not entirely surprised that we invented a lot of silly games during this period – with more than just a few involving blasting things with the Nerf Strongarm dart gun that I had received as part of a Hasbro blogger drop a month or so earlier!

IMG_20151222_095753 jessica lotter with her nerf strongarm gun

(Note the defeated ponies in the background – Jess had to go in pretty close to pull off those shots!)

Anyway, it was ten days in following the operation and I needed to see Dr. Hardcastle for a wound checkup, my first outing away from the house since the start of December!

Pleasingly, the visit to the doctor’s offices went swimmingly well, though the doctor did plant the idea of ice cream into Jessica’s head on the way out – meaning that a trip through to the cool air-conditioned Waterstone McDonalds was now on the cards, much to Chantelle’s dismay!

IMG_20151222_121500 chantelle lotter with the girls in mcdonalds

A little while later, with Chantelle now back at work and the three of us chilling at home once more, I was surprised to get a shout from a courier guy, telling me that he was on his way in order to drop off a package for me.

Ooh, very exciting indeed!

IMG_20151222_160035 mystery wrapped present from gumtree and oglivy

The mystery box that arrived with the van was pretty large (and heavy!), and seeing as I couldn’t yet walk, the Oglivy delivery guy very helpfully brought the package inside and set it down on the kitchen counter for me.

Needless to say, at this point both Jessica and Emily were literally bursting with curiosity!

IMG_20151222_160656 emily and jessica lotter opening mystery present box from gumtree

I let the girls get to work, and pretty soon they had shredded away enough of the packaging to reveal the box’s content – a solid cast iron, already oiled, potjiekos pot!

IMG_20151222_160950 emily and jessica lotter opening mystery present box from gumtree

What an awesome and unexpected surprise gift from Gumtree and Oglivy! (Though that said, I’m not sure I actually did any work for either during 2015?).

IMG_20151222_161317 gumtree gift of a cast iron potjiekos pot

Of course, Jessica and Emily were not impressed with this at all. They had been hoping for something a little bit more plastic and a whole lot more interesting to play with – so they busied themselves with laying out the long strips of bubble wrap and running backwards and forwards over it for entertainment instead!

IMG_20151222_162248 emily and jessica girls running on bubblewrap

But of course, my good mood couldn’t last forever you know.

A little while later, the house became a little too quiet for my liking, and so hobbling around on investigation, I came across this bemused little face in the braai room!

IMG_20151222_165012 naughty emily caught in the act of making a floury mess

Sigh. Dusting flour and toddlers don’t mix.

Anyway, the point is that I now own a big black potjiekos pot – the first one that I’ve ever owned in my life. Which means that now I guess I had better try my hand at cooking up some proper potjiekos in the near future! :)