When troubleshooting code, it is often quite handy to know what function called the function that you are busy working your way through. To do this you need a backtrace, and PHP makes getting one pretty easy thanks to its debug_backtrace function.

If you are interested in only the calling function name itself, then this neat little function should work quite nicely:

function GetCallingFunctionName($debug = false) {
//Returns the calling function through a backtrace
        $r = '';
        $debugString = '';
        $caller = debug_backtrace();
        if ($debug === true) {
            $debugString.= ' <p>START: debug_backtrace result:</p>';
            $debugString.= '<pre>';
            $debugString.= print_r($caller, true);
            $debugString.= '</pre>';
            $debugString.= '<p>END: debug_backtrace result:</p>';
        $caller = $caller[2];
        $r .= $caller['function'] . '()';
        if (isset($caller['class'])) {
            $r .= ' in ' . $caller['class'];
        if (isset($caller['object'])) {
            $r .= ' (' . get_class($caller['object']) . ')';
        return $r . $debugString;

Worth jotting down for the next time a function is giving me a headache for no apparent reason!

one-handed backhand tennis shot

Related Link: debug_backtrace | Source 1