It may not be the smartest thing to have done in terms of timing when you consider Cape Town upping its water restrictions to level 3 for this Summer Season, but we’ve finally gone and gotten rid of the weed infested flower beds and rusty outdoor braai area, replacing them with beautiful, fresh patches of green grass, courtesy of Eugene and his team at Helderberg Lawns (who coincidentally, I can not find on the Internet at the moment. Chantelle picked them up through a Facebook recommendation if you must know).
The job cost about R3,000 and took the three guys only a handful of hours to complete. Essentially we replaced the grass running along all our walls (border and house), meaning that the only original stretch of grass still in place is essentially the strip down the middle!
(Bonus: I’m not to cut the new grass for at least a month to give it sufficient chance to recover and take root!)
So all the trees are now encircled with grass, and there is a lot less flower beds to be maintained (which we weren’t really doing anyway!).
Other than the clearing out of our weed-infested, sandy and sad excuse for a lawn, the real reason for having this done now was in fact to set up the needed space for the jungle gym that we’re about to have installed as a birthday present for Jessica – which obviously then needs to happen before mid-November!
And who knows, now with that rusty, unused braai out of the way (which both Chantelle and I are sad to see go just by the way – it was a brilliant gift after all!), I might just consider getting a trampoline put down come Christmas time…
(Oh. As a bonus, the guys even cleared out our flower bed in the front of the house – sadly for me though, only my one flowering cosmos was left standing after they were finished ripping everything out!)
Anyway, the point is, we are very happy with the work done, so if anyone asks – if you are looking for instant roll on lawn in the Helderberg, then we can definitely recommend Eugene and his team at Helderberg Lawns!